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  • Fig demonstrates the modal intensity


    Fig. 2 demonstrates the modal intensity of the proposed PCF for both of elliptical and circular holes in core region in X-polarization and Y-polarization mode respectively. We have compiled two proposed PCF based sensor using FEM based commercial tool COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.2. Furthermore, finer mesh analysis is employed here to trace out the modal characteristics of PCF. Using this mesh analysis, it is found the number of vertex elements, boundary elements, total elements, and minimum caspofungin quality are 444, 3438, 30784, and 0.6773 respectively. For certain specific wavelength the light propagated within the core region. There aeries degree of freedom for operating wavelength. In controlling wavelength 1.55µm is found 215665 degree of freedom. The background material of the PCF is silica. It has refractive index which is fully dependable on wavelength. For estimated different parameters for the proposed PCF Eqs. (1)–(10) are employed here, all are reported in the research article [1–11]. The relationship between refractive index and wavelength for silica is maintained by Sellmeier Eq. (1) as followswhere, λ is the operating wavelength, Bj and Cj are the Sellmeier coefficient for silica noted in Table 4 The propagation constant β is generate here and abide by the following Eq. (2)where, K0 = 2π/λ; K0 is the free space wave number. Due to the finite number of cladding air hole some light penetrate into the cladding region are liable for confinement or leakage loss. It can be enumerated from the imaginary part of the propagation constant β.where, Im [neff] is the imaginary part of the propagation constant. To realize the sensitivity response of the PCF it is necessary to compute the relative sensitivity coefficient r and it is maintaining the following Eq. (4) Here Re[neff] is the real portion of β. But relative sensitivity coefficient r is closely involved with f. The f is the percent of energy that holds by the PCF cavities. There occurs energy conversation so the f can be expressed by Poynting׳s theorem and written as follows (5) In Eq. (5) numerator signifying the total power which is sense from target sample or target species and denominator representing total power of the PCF. The effective area of the proposed can be formulated by the given Eq. (6) where, E is the transverse electric field vector of the fundamental mode and it is acquitted from proposed PCF. The source to fiber coupling efficiency is largely dependent on numerical aperture (NA). The NA of the PCF can be expressed as following Eq. (7) and NA is closely related with Aeff. Certain of mode are propagating through the fiber. The figure of waveguide mode is ascertained by V-parameter or Veff. There also remains standard for Veff which defines a fiber is multimode for Veff> 2.405 and otherwise it is single mode or mono mode. The V-parameter of the wave guide is calculated by Eq. (8)where, αeff is the radius of the PCF core in µm unit. After determining the Veff it is favorable to enumerate Marcuse spot size is expressed as the Eq. (9) Beam divergence can be evaluated from Gaussian beam theory and it is denoted by θ in radian and calculated as follows Eq. (10)where, θ is in radian unit.
    Financial support
    Data “Supplementary Table 1” presents a database of a set of dynamic thermal parameters of different types of PCMs. The boundary conditions of the PCM layer are those that characterize the external walls of air-conditioned buildings.
    Experimental design, materials and methods The calculation procedure, based on an explicit finite difference numerical model which resolves the equation of conduction in solid phase and liquid phase and the equation of thermal balance at the bi-phase interfaces at the melting temperature, has been performed by the followed steps: The details of the methodology are presented in [1]. “Supplementary Fig. 1.pdf” shows, ​for the different PCMs, the monthly average daily values of the latent energy fraction ΛL, and of the decrement factors of temperature fT, of heat flux fΦ and of energy fE depending on the latent storage efficiency εL. In “Supplementary Fig. 2.pdf”, for each of the different PCMs, the values of the time lag of maximum peak and of the minimum peak of the temperature and and of the heat flux and as a function of the latent storage efficiency εL are reported. In each image of Figs. 1 and 2, the obtained values of a dynamic parameter, in the two locations and in different months of the year, upon variation of the latent storage efficiency are presented for a given PCM. For such representations, we used more pointers: in all the columns of Fig. 1 and in the first three columns of Fig. 2, the triangle and circle symbols identify the dynamic parameter values relative, respectively, to Turin and to Cosenza; in the fourth column of Fig. 2, the pointers were differentiated based upon the air conditioning season, as the functional dependence of Δt on the efficiency of latent storage is different in the two air conditioning seasons.