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  • DSM criteria for insomnia contain the following General slee


    DSM-5 criteria for insomnia contain the following:[13]. General sleepless nights happen to everyone, leading to the misappropriation that insomnia is a natural reaction of an purchase Sennoside A to tension or noise. However, insomnia is not symptom of other disorders but secondary to other medical conditions. The effects generated due to insomnia are:
    Classification of insomnia
    Subject details and recorded data Total twenty five volunteer subjects’ were selected for this study [5]. Nine subjects were suffering from the sleep disorder of insomnia and sixteen subjects were referred to as the normal group. The subject\'s details like gender, age, sleep duration of each stage etc. were taken. The subject demographics of both groups are shown in Tables 1 and 2 Respectively.
    Analysis of EEG signal
    Result and discussion Normalized power (P norm) of normal cases having no symptoms of sleep is analyzed and compared with pathological cases during S0 stage [10,11]. Normalized power indicates the percentage of a particular EEG activity out of complete power. So it is found that it gives a better indication of measurements of detection of features instead of taking average power of particular EEG activity. We took 16 normal cases and 9 insomnia cases and then compared the results [6]. According to Table 3, delta activity normalized power for normal cases is found in range of 0.58–0.76 and for insomnia cases it is found in range of 0.81–0.89, hence we can see that normalized power of normal case is low as compared to insomnia victims. Similarly for normalized power of theta activity, Pnorm for normal cases is high i.e. 0.17–0.28 and for insomnia case the range is from 0.078 to 0.16 which low (see Table 4). For the alpha activity, the normalized power for normal cases is in the range of 0.04–0.12 which is high while for the insomnia cases the range is low i.e. 0.006–0.02 (see Table 5). According to Table 6, normalized power of beta activity for normal cases are found in range 0.004–0.007 which is high, on the other hand in insomnia cases the range is 0.0005–0.0007 which is quite low as compared to normal cases. Tables 4–6 indicate that insomnia patient have low normalized power for respectively theta, alpha and beta waves of EEG Signal. Table 3 indicate that insomnia patient have high normalized power for Delta wave of EEG signal.
    Competing interests
    Authors\' contributions
    Introduction Sleep is an important part of the life and adults spend around one third of their life in sleep. In contrast to adults, infants spend nearly half of their day in sleep. Duration of sleep is not static and it shortens with the growing age, especially among children [1–4]. Reduction of sleep with the growing age can be ascribed to a number of factors that include not only biological but also environmental factors e.g., age related natural decline in sleep need, changes in presleep behavior such as–watching TV or spending time on screens or burden of the school-work [2,5,6]. Among these, watching television or spending time with a screen before bed (screen time) is known to reduce the total sleep time and to delay the sleep onset [2,5]. It has been found that children who have longer screen time, show difficulty in both sleeping as well as in waking up [7]. In addition to the factors mentioned above, sleep patterns of children are also influenced by the cultural practices and sleep schedule followed by family [8,9]. It has been reported that children of Asian origin had a later bed-time (around 10.30pm) as compared to children with predominantly Caucasian origin who went to bed earlier (at 7.45pm) [9]. Not only the sleep pattern but co-sleeping too is influenced by the cultural practices. It has been reported that co-sleeping was more common among Asians as compared to western children [4,10,11,12]. Aishworya et al. [13] found that children in Singapore had difficulty in sleeping alone and that they required some company to fall asleep. Similarly, co-sleeping was observed among 73% and 93% children in two studies from India [4,12]. Following the similar trend, 87% Japanese children were reported to share the bedroom with their parents [10]. However, prevalence of co-sleeping was lesser in China, where approximately 38% children were found to co-sleep with their parents [14]. Thus, with the exception of China, co-sleeping is common in Asian region. On the other hand, co-sleeping is less prevalent in West, with the prevalence of around 50% during infancy which further reduces as the age advances [15]. Thus, this data suggests that culture influences the sleep pattern as well as sleep practices.